Admissions & Open Mornings
Applying for a school place for 2025/2026 (next school year)
Our catchment area covers Moulton, Gazeley, Dalham, Higham, Needham Street, Kentford and Kennett End. We also welcome applications from those living outside the catchment area. Suffolk Local Education Authority is responsible for admission to Moulton CEVC Primary School. Our published admissions number (P.A.N) is 30. Full details of the LA’s admissions policy and procedures are set out in the current Suffolk County Council booklet ‘Admissions to Schools in Suffolk – Your guide on how and when to apply to a school place’. This booklet is available from the School Office, through Suffolk County Council on 0845 600 0981 or online here.
Children can be admitted to school in the September of the academic year in which they are 4 years old. Children are offered full-time education from this point, according to parental choice. Although most children start full-time at school in September, we understand that children are individuals with individual needs. Please talk to us about what is best for your child.
In the Summer Term prior to the September in which children are due to start school, they are invited to attend a stay-and-play session. This visit helps familiarise the children and their family with the school environment. We also hold a meeting for parents in July.