Remote learning
Moulton CEVC Primary School Remote Learning Statement
At Moulton CEVC Primary School, we are committed to high-quality learning for all our pupils regardless of whether they are educated at school or at home. The online platform we use in school is Google Classroom which will be accessed by all pupils.
Adapting the curriculum
We adapt our curriculum so that any child who needs to learn from home due to a COVID related absence, can access the same learning that is happening for the whole class, as far as practicable. In some subjects, for example, P.E, provision will be different because of the direct teaching which happens in school and cannot be delivered through Google Classroom.
Teaching and learning will be through live and recorded sessions, online provision, e.g. Oak National Academy and through independent tasks set by the teacher. All work is accessed via Google Classroom with information about the task and how to submit the work.
Pupils are also given access to Phonics Play, Spelling Shed, Times Table Rockstars and Lexia, depending on the age and need of the child. All of these will be familiar to the children and are designed to enhance their learning.
All staff will look at each piece of work. Feedback will be given in a range of ways: verbally through Google Meet; whole class feedback on Google Classroom and individual comments, written on submitted work. There will be times, however, when it is not possible to give feedback on every single piece of work.
Families experiencing difficulties accessing online provision.
If a child does not have access to a computer/laptop and/or the Internet, the school will do all it can to support children and will provide paper packs of learning. Parents are asked to make the school aware of any barriers to accessing remote learning. Paper copies will still be available.
Pupils not accessing the work
It is very important that children accessing remote learning at home do the work that is sent by their teacher. We carefully modify our curriculum to provide access to both in-school education and home provision and by not completing the work set, children will be at an academic disadvantage when returning to school as they will have missed out on important steps in their learning.
Teachers will contact families of children who are not engaging in learning to conduct welfare checks.
We realise that this is a very difficult time for everyone, so please make contact if you need help.