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Moulton CEVC Primary School

Breakfast Club

We run a daily Breakfast Club which is open to all children from Reception class to Year 6.  Children arrive at 7:45am and have a breakfast of cereal and toast with a drink of water or milk followed by activities such as craft and games.  At 8.50am the children are escorted to their classes for the start of the school day.  The current cost is £4.50 per session with a 10% discount for siblings.

Please book termly in advance and payment is due at the time of booking.  We will not be able to make any refunds.

We accept childcare vouchers.  Please ask the office for further details.

We are also registered to receive Tax free childcare payments.  Please go to to check your eligibility and to set up an account.  The government will pay £2 for every £8 you pay your childcare provider.

To book the Breakfast Club, please use the self-serve booking service accessed from the Breakfast Club Booking Page on the school website.

Your booking will generate an email to the school office and one to yourself confirming the bookings and the amount to pay.

There is a guide at the bottom of this page to help you with the club bookings.