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Moulton CEVC Primary School

'Gather and Refocus' Sessions

We are trying to find ways to support learners at home. I will soon be sending home a video soon which has tips for helping your child to achieve at home. Meanwhile, please could you complete this short survey. We are aware that some parents are feeling overwhelmed with getting all work done every day. I would like to gain some feedback regarding this. Many thanks for your time.

Child(ren)'s year group(s)
Bearing in mind that we do not know how much longer this situation will go on, how easily are you able to (will be able to) get ALL tasks done everyday? (This includes Times Table Rockstars, reading, Spelling Shed etc, as well as lessons)
We are mandated by the DfE with regard to how much work we set. However, would it be helpful if teachers included some 'gather and refocus' sessions regularly? (This is a session that is dedicated to catching up on/improving previous unfinished work)
If you answered 'yes' to the previous question, how often would such a session happen?
If you were in favour of a 'gather and refocus' session, would you like it at the same time for all children, so that siblings had the session at the same time?